change is a part of life. it can be good or bad. exciting or scary. easy or very difficult. some small and some life changing. sometimes, it’s all of these things. but the the truth of it is it’s completely inevitable. and so here we are in the midst of this crazy life, trying to live in the present and make the most of every opportunity given to us. how we choose to live our life with these changes shapes who we are. it makes us grow, and proves how strong we really are. it may even prove you weren’t as strong as you thought. still, change is the only promise life can keep. and so it begins…
in the spirit of life changes, here is a small collections of some of my most favorite life changing photographs. the photographs that made me want to be a photographer. or made me look at life differently. or made me realize there is an entirely different world out there. or made me smile because of how beautiful it was. or simple. classic. contraversial. powerful.
