ban + omar were married last week and had a traditional iraqi reception at the sheraton in reston in order to celebrate their union! these two are so incredibly sweet, and as if that wasn’t enough, instead of gifts they opted to donate to the orphan kids in iraq. it was very cute to see them interact not only with each other, but with their family + friends who all helped during the entire day.
it is always great to be able to experience a different culture on a wedding day. to me it poses a new perspective and an exciting challenge. this day was no different- it was fun, new and exciting, and completely caught me off guard! i sat there watching ban sit in her chair by the window, all quiet and sweet and surrounded by her girlfriends, when all of the sudden there is banging at the door. LOUD banging. the banging continues and i am sort of confused as to why i am the only person that looks phased by this. the door swings open and in comes omar and about 15 other people- yelling, cheering, girls screaming…basically completely taking over the room so i am in a 2 ft space in between about 20 extremely excited iraqis- all who also have cameras and video (who knew i would have competition) and are cheering omar on as he sees his beautiful bride for the first time. it is then that i realize i am also having candy being thrown at me..and though at this point i am 100 % utterly confused as to what in the world is going on, i just figure “oh well…what the heck!” and keep shooting away :)
okay….so it’s at least possible that the candy wasn’t exactly being thrown AT me, but rather in the air towards the bride and groom in celebration. but you get the idea :) these people know how to have FUN!!! it was a packed room full of smiles and cameras, and ban + omar where beaming with excitement seeing each other for the first time. good times indeed.
ban + omar- as always thank you for inviting me into your lives for the day and making me feel like a part of the family. omar- i think you are the first client of mine to ever actually say to me “you are the most stubborn person i have ever met!” hahaha….love it. :)
omar’s face as he enters the room and sees his bride for the first time…
this picture does not do justice to how many people where in the room!
proof of the candy being thrown at me ;-)
tradition of walking into the reception and doing an exchange of rings before walking to their seats
Astrid, these are beautiful. So much joy and emotion in them. You did an amazing job telling the story of their wedding day.
Astrid, these are beautiful. So much joy and emotion in them. You did an amazing job telling the story of their wedding day.