the blog

Notes on photography, the stories we love, and the experiences we collect along the way

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For us, it’s the experiences, the travel, the connections, and the iconic fashion of weddings that we love. This blog is our inside edit of all those things and more.  


so… it seems that the thing to do lately instead of having a new years resolution is to have a word of the year. and being that i’m not huge on resolutions, i actually love that concept. it just feels so much simpler than having a list of things to accomplish, change, and better about yourself. just one word that you can apply to any and every situation. funny enough, when i thought about this i knew instantly what my word needed to be.


in every situation in my life, i sometimes need to just stop and remember to breathe. when it comes to work deadlines, managing the finances, being a stay-at- home- working mom, and all the high expectations i put on my business, sometimes i need to just take a step back and take a deep breathe. when those tough parenting weeks inevitably come where it seems she won’t sleep and nothing makes her happy (and i question how i’m going to handle this for the next 18yrs, much less with more than one child)…just breathe. get through that one moment. and then the next. when it comes to trying to do it all in our personal life…spend quality time with friends, go on regular date nights, keep the house organized (i’m an organization freak), keep our calendars updated, our monthly budgets in order,  a happy sex life (yep, i went there), and making sure all of these things are happening all at once… i just need to close my eyes and take a breathe. when my husband and i have those super fun marriage moments where you feel like you don’t even know who the other person is anymore.. i need to go back to my word and remind myself that not everything will be perfectly balanced all the time. some weeks we will have great quality time with friends but perhaps not so much quality time with each other. other weeks we may have the house spotless but perhaps i’m working late nights to keep up with the workflow. there really never is a perfect balance, is there?

so there it is. and the fact that today on january 20th, 2015…almost a month after New Years… is when i am actually getting around to writing this, is perhaps the first step in acceptance. because the old me would have just thrown my hands up and not posted it at all if it wasn’t going to go up right on january 1st. now that the craziness of the holidays, a sick baby, and the birthday fun has finally settled down…my new year starts today. i have my candle lit, my idina menzel station on pandora on, and a hot cup of coffee. today, and for the rest of the year, i am reminding myself to take each moment and just breathe.

happy new years :)

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  1. Mom says:


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