the blog

Notes on photography, the stories we love, and the experiences we collect along the way

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For us, it’s the experiences, the travel, the connections, and the iconic fashion of weddings that we love. This blog is our inside edit of all those things and more.  

settling in.

it’s been quiet on the blog as i have taken the last 2 weeks off to welcome husband back from deployment and get settled into our new life. even though he  got home 2 weeks ago, it’s been a whirlwind of seeing people, parties, having guests stay with us, and of course… weddings….so today is actually the first day “real life” begins. i appreciate all the fun blog comments, facebook messages, texts and emails i have received! it’s been fun and interesting learning to live with your husband again. here are some fun highlights-

1-i got elbowed in the face twice in my sleep our first night home…yup, that was fun.

2- my kitchen has been taken over my protein powder (and see how i just said “my” kitchen? yeah…it’s on the list of “things to work on” :)

3- it was pretty hilarious watching him freak out learning to use his kindle when he thought it was broken with a virus. really, there was no virus, it was just a 15 second ad that popped up on the screen. apparently this is new for him.

4- i keep treating him like a houseguest. “there are towels here if you need any. leftover pizza in the fridge if you get hungry. here is the remote to the tv. this is how you turn on the cable. the dog gets 1.5 scoops a day- don’t let him convince you to eat early. if the internet goes out you have to jump start it, count to 10 and reboot. this is where all receipts go…etc…” and on his end it was a million questions. “where does this go? am i allowed to put this here? why can’t i find anything?” it was pretty funny when we would catch ourselves doing it, but i can say that 2 weeks in it’s already much different.

5- it’s been fun seeing someone who hasn’t had to cook, clean, do any errands or house “tasks” have to do these things. at the moment. our internet isn’t working, our cable box is acting up, i need new brakes, the dog needs a very expensive vet appointment, my car needs new tires, the printer only works 1/3 of the time, my computer needs to be taken in…among a long list of other things. i am used to this and the fact that something is and will always be wrong. it’s just a fact. however, being downstairs and hearing him yell from upstairs for the millionth time “are you @#&*#% serious?!!!” tells me he is not :) there is no army of people here to do everything for you! everytime something else goes wrong i just smile and say “welcome home honey! :)

6- a little honestly here. as amazing as it has been, i miss my old routine. and he misses having structure. we are both a little restless and craving more of a solid routine in our life. 2 weeks of sleeping in and being in pajamas all day was plenty. so here is to today being our “first day in reality” wish us luck! :)

a few photographs from the car ride home, seeing Brady (our dog), and Christmas. since we didn’t get to celebrate christmas we had our own and opened many presents. he also finally got to see the obituary and prayer cards from his grandmother’s funeral who passed while he was away.

comments +

  1. Aunt Buff says:

    Awwwww……WELCOME HOME CHRIS!!! luv you.

  2. Brian says:

    :) BIG smiles just reading this

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